Monday, August 19, 2013


Its really annoying when bf's mom walks in nd starts one of her tantrums. Nothing is ever good enough for her. She gets mad that she always has to ask him to do the dishes, when he does it without her asking him he "doesnt do enough." Today she walks in to ask if she can borrow my overpriced special blend cat food, I think about it for a sec because I really wanna say no because neither me nor my bf are getting any income yet, but I say yes because her kittys are hungry, but instead of straight up saying yea, I said sure I guess. Now she's throwing a temper tantrum because I didn't say yes of course take all my money and cat food. I swear nothing I do makes anyone happy especially not her. I am trying so hard to be different and I can't I'm still not good enough, I get mad easy and I have trust issues. But no one ever worries about how I feel. No one asks if I'm handling everything in my life well. They just don't care. I always ask people things like that, but can I get some in return, no. I feel almost invisible until someone wants something. Then all of a sudden I'm their best friend and I'm really juss tired of it. How do I stand out in a world were everyone is just a robot...

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