Sunday, January 13, 2013

teenager drama and drugs

I feel like I aged 40 years in a couple of hours. After all the stuff going on with the adults in my life a bit of teenage drama is really unnecessary, but when a friend calls me at 11 o'clock at night barely able to talk because she's so high I can't just turn her away, especially if she's at the house of the guy who tried to rape me. So of course, my loving nature and concern puts me in the middle of drama again. I had to stay on the phone with this girl until her mom showed up to pick her up. Now I'm sure she hates me though, because half way through her sentence she hung up without a word so I called her mom to make sure she was okay, and I did inform her the reason for my concern was because my friend was high in a house alone with 4 boys one of whom has a history of going to far. I felt lame. I'm a 19 year old girl I should be out hanging out with my friends not having to lecture them on drugs. I chose her as a friend specifically for the fact that her family life is alot like mine and she used to have the same views as me, but now I don't know if I can be her friend. I can't put myself through the emotional stress of worrying about her and I can't just ignore her when she needs help, but I don't want to lose a good friend....

Saturday, January 12, 2013

moving, again

moving is stressful enough as it is, then you add the drama of family and it gets harder. I got called a Lying F****** Brat today and got completly kicked out of my birth-dads house, all this because as far as I can tell I didn't clean the bathroom. I also learned a valuable lesson, family isn't defined by blood, but the people who are there for you. I learned today who my true family is, my grandparents, my aunt, her husband, my boyfriend, and 2 of my bestgirlfriends as well as mayb a couple of church friends. My 2 bestfriends were there for me (on the phone because physically they couldn't be there) the whole day today, keeping me from breaking down, it feels good to cry, but it does not feel good to break, I have such a supportive family. It's nice knowing there are people there for you the whole way through good and bad...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


my definition of hell is what I'm going through right now, my dad telling me that the small bit of savings I had from my 1 1/2 month job should have gone to him, the same father who wasn't there for me most of my life. Getting kicked out because my room is "disgusting" when it's the cleanest it has been my entire life, and it was never disgusting just messy. I haven't clean the bathroom because the shower has been broken all week, and I can't clean if I can't take a shower, because I will have a panic attack. I can't be around bodily fluids without my heart racing, dried up and old or fresh and smelly, I just can't do it. So after I clean the bathroom I always have to take a long burning hot shower and burn the germs away, and anyone who knows me know this, so what my dad doesn't know me. No his reasoning is your room is disgusting you couldn't be germaphobic. MY ROOM ISN'T GERMY! Its a little cluttered, but very clean. The hardest thing about this all is that he's on her side. Wouldn't it just be easier to not have a dad....