Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Boyfriend troubles and constant calling

Okay so my first official blog post about me. So today me and my boyfriend got in a little spat, over whether or not he trusts me. Now he won't talk to me. Which is kinda the reason I started this whole blog thing. I started with asking if he was talking to me at 8:45, no reply. Now the last time he had texted me was around 2pm and he was out so in my head I start listing all the possibilities, did he get run over by a car, kidnapped, murdered, did he suffer from some unexplained illness like the ones on house, ect. ect. now I know it may seem crazy, but you never know when something bad could happen. So I text him again at 8:51, this time reminding him how paranoid I get and asking him to please text me so I know he's ok. He replies with a simple "I'm home." So of course I take this opportunity to try and find out why he's not texting me, no reply. 9:07, I text him again "will you please reply?" Nothing, so at 9:30 I apologize again and ask him what I can do to help, then text him again at 9:40 reminding him how much I hate fighting and I hate when he ignores me. Then 9:49 I text him again saying "fine lets play a computer game" no reply still, then at 10:20 please text me, then again at 11:07, asking him to text me, then I call him, leave a message and now I stopped. I hate that he won't even text me to leave him alone. Nothing, from him just silence. Then I get back to that what if something happened. I know he texted me saying he was home, but what if that was someone who stole his phone. His mom hates me so I know if something happened she wouldn't tell me. So my heart is racing, my thoughts are racing and I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I hate when we fight and I hate even more when the fight leads to ignoring me. It makes me scared, and it makes me feel alone. It makes me do stupid things and it makes me hate myself, because I caused this. I wish he would just talk to me, yell at me, tell me what I did wrong and how I can make it better. Its giving me an anxiety attack which is making me want to talk to him more because I'm scared. I don't know what I'm scared of, but I feel this fear and I can't make it go away, I can't stand it, and it would really help to hear his voice, but he doesn't see that all he see's is the constant calling and texting. I don't know if he's mad at me or just upset in general and doesn't want to talk, but whatever it is I know it's gonna be hard to sleep until he answers, which he doesn't understand. Well thanks for reading, if the bi-polar person in your life calls and texts constantly do them the courtesy of letting them know why you don't want to talk to them, let them tell you how they feel.

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