Saturday, February 16, 2013


So, I struggle with jealousy. Alot. I try not to be jealous because in my heart I know I have no reason to be, but with my trust issues and everything I am jealous, extremely jealous. I hate that I am, I just can't help it. It's not just I'm jealous of my boyfriend hanging out with females though, it's anyone really, I get jealous when he's with anyone that isn't me, and I hate it. I hate hating people I don't know just because he talks to them, but it's there, no matter what I want to feel, or how I try to stop feeling it, I feel it. I feel jealousy to the point that I hate complete strangers. Like this girl he used to go to church with, he doesn't hang out with her or anything they just talk on facebook, but does that stop me from being jealous no, I hate her, I want to cuss her out, punch her, slap her, anything. I just want her away from my man, because I guess, I just don't want to share him. I don't want him to decide he likes her better then me, I don't want to be left. And yes I know it all stems down to abandonment issues from my birthparents, and I really should work on it before I push him away, but I don't know how, I've tried therapy, it doesn't help. I have no clue how to get over the abandonment issues, and it's not like I want them around. I push away everyone I love because I am so afraid of losing them. It's hard being me sometimes.....

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